Five ouchies (shots)
31.25 inches tall.
24 lbs 5 oz
17.76" head circumfrence (not sure why this stat is important -- but apparently my boy has a peanut head). I don't think he looks like he has a peanut head.
OK. Maybe he looks like he has a peanut head here. But the boy was only 4 months old. And his evil mother had just shaved his head. Poor thing.
And he kind of looks like he has a peanut head here.
But he was just seconds old. And all babies look funky when they're seconds old. That whole "being born" thing really does a number on most babies' heads. Except C-section babies. Their heads are beautiful. Sigh.
He does not look like he has a peanut head when he is wearing his sock monkey costume hat. [By the way, it is incredibly safe to leave a 12 month 9 day old baby on the counter by himself. Especially when he's holding an open can of root beer.]
He does not hate pot roast. [Again, note the incredibly safe counter positioning.]
Indeed. He loves pot roast.
And I love him.
Food covered dragon shirt, bare feet on my counters and all.
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